Jacqueline holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Strathmore Business School Kenya and MSc in Tourism Administration from Christ College, India. She has cross-cutting experience in mobilizing resources, designing and developing impactful projects as well as coordinating multi-stakeholders in service sectors which has resulted in strong networks. She has an outstanding experience in service sectors ranging from hospitality and insurance/ financial services, having undertaken various trainings in leadership, human resources management and development, trade development, project planning/development and personal development.
Sundeep is a qualified actuary and Group CEO of Zamara Group with over 30 years of experience in actuarial, pensions, and investment consultancy.
He has been involved in and contributed to all aspects of the pension conversation in Kenya, ranging from pension reform, regulatory enhancement, product innovation, pension fund investments, and much more. He is the current Chairman of the Kenya Pension Fund Investment Consortium (‘KEPFIC’).
James is a qualified actuary and the Executive Director of the Zamara Group with over 30 years of experience in insurance, pensions, and investment consultancy in the UK, South Africa, and Kenya.
He has been involved in and is responsible for providing actuarial advice to a range of insurance companies and government health care insurance and social security schemes. His exposure involves product design and pricing, advice on investment strategy, marketing, general management, reinsurance, solvency testing, actuarial valuations, mergers and acquisitions, and much more.