Fahari Retirement Plan
Plan Your Tomorrow, Today
Vuna Pension Plan
Your Partner Towards a Better Retirement
Zamara Maisha Trust Fund
Secure the Dreams of Your Loved Ones
Last Rites
Designed to Meet Your Medical Needs and the Unfortunate Eventualities of Death
Education Policy
Plan for Your Children’s Future Today
Motor Insurance
Protects You Against Financial Losses in the Event Your Vehicle is Involved in an Accident, Burnt or Stolen
Travel Insurance
Cover Your Medical Expenses, Trip Cancellation or Delays, Lost or Stolen Baggage and Personal Liability while you’re Travelling
Maskani Domestic Package
Live a better tomorrow by protecting your house and belongings
Zamara Afya Policy
Care for your family better with Zamara
Personal Accident Plus
Protect yourself better with Zamara
Zamara Annuity Solutions
The Caring Partner Beyond Your Retirement
Zamara Income Draw Down
Prolong Your Retirement Years with Zamara
International Private Medical Insurance
Our insurance brokerage arm specialises in providing Motor Insurance to ensure you have better safety when moving around. We provide an end-to-end policy that protects you against financial losses in the event that your vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen.
Talk To UsSleep better with our end-to-end Motor Policy
We provide an end-to-end policy that protects you against financial losses in the event that your vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen.
2. Third-Party Motor Insurance Policy -
This policy is the minimum cover required. It covers against any legal liability to a third party caused when you are at fault
It provides unlimited liability for Third-party personal injuries or death This cover does not provide any form of coverage to the policyholder’s vehicle.
D. Maskani Domestic Package
Live a better tomorrow by protecting your house and belongings
It comes in two parts: 1. Buildings insurance - Cover you against the damage to the property itself 2. Contents insurance - Covers you against the damage or theft of items within the home
2. Contents insurance - Covers you against the damaged or theft of items within the home
Why buy this cover with us?
Easy to sign up – No list required, Trauma counselling after a burglary, Emergency home repairs, Emergency medical costs, Power surge damage, Accidental damage, Occupational accidents, Pets cover, Sporting equipment cover
F. Travel Insurance Policy
Travel better with us with Benefits
Medical & Related Expenses, including evacuation and repatriation, Personal Accident, Cancellation and curtailment, Baggage and Personal Belongings loss, Personal Liability, Hijack, Hostage and wrongful detention